
Fish Screen Solution to Bryozoan Pipe Blockers

A sci-fi horror movie! That’s the scene on show if you put a drop of river water under a microscope. It buzzes with life. Strange. Hideous. Beautiful. The river is alive at a micro and macro level. It plays home to microscopic bryozoans. This asexual organism is essential to the Darling River’s ...


History repeating: the early evidence on fish loss in the Murray River

Some people think fish losses at water diversions is a new problem. History tells us it’s been happening for decades. By Craig Boys and Tom Rayner Newspaper articles, from as early as the 1920s, reported cod, perch and blackfish being diverted into irrigation canals along the Murray ...


Counting the cost: scientific evidence of fish losses in Australian rivers

What is the evidence of fish losses in Australian Rivers? It’s a question that gets asked a lot, so here’s the answer. By Craig Boys and Tom Rayner Australia has some of the world’s best data on fish losses at water diversions, which gives a good insight into the scale of the ...