
Fish Screen Solution to Bryozoan Pipe Blockers

A sci-fi horror movie! That’s the scene on show if you put a drop of river water under a microscope. It buzzes with life. Strange. Hideous. Beautiful. The river is alive at a micro and macro level. It plays home to microscopic bryozoans. This asexual organism is essential to the Darling River’s ...


From Pump To Pulp – How Fish Screens Are Evolving The Citrus Industry

Oranges are nutritional gold. They’re filled with the nutrients your body needs to be at its best. To create this level of magnificence it takes high quality water. It’s a vital resource we all depend on and get from our rivers. Farmers are finding that they can give thanks to our ...


Find your screen: Australian Fish Screen Suppliers

Get the right solution for your diversion By Craig Boys and Tom Rayner When investing in a new screen it’s important to find one that will suit your water volumes, diversion schedule, debris loads and local fish. A wide variety of screen types have been developed for use overseas and some ...